Camaraderie – knowing each other beyond work

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  • #11606

    A nice way for team members to get to know each other beyond work is to do the “life map” exercise.

    Split the team in groups of 4 or 5 and give them big sheets of papers with colored markers. Give them 10mn to individually draw their “Life map”: they have to draw a graph where the x axis is time (or years or age) and the y axis is the highs and lows of their life (high is above 0 and low is under 0). They draw the “Life line” with the lows and highs on the graphs, mentioning the key moments of their lives, choosing to share whatever they want. They then share in their small group their “Life map” (5-10mn each).

    You then have a debrief in the big group.

    It creates more connection among team members and more empathy. It also helps to integrate new team members.

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