Refund Policy

Cancellations & Refunds

If you choose to cancel your registration prior to the start of the course, you will need to provide us with written notification specifying the course(s) you want to cancel. You will receive a full refund, excluding a $350 non-refundable registration fee.

Please note that no refund is available If written notice is not received by our offices before the start date. If you are unable to attend a course that you have registered for any reason, no refund will be provided without the prior dated notice being provided to our company.

Notice of Cancellation/Withdrawal & Refunds

Written notice of cancellation is effective on the date the cancellation is received by Team Coaching International (TCI). If notice is submitted by email, the acknowledgment by TCI will be the effective date of cancellation. Refunds, less any non-refundable registration fee, will be made within 45 days following our acknowledgment of receipt of the written request.

Buyers Right to Cancel

Subject to the “refund policies” above, you have the right to cancel your enrollment and receive a refund by delivering a written notice by postal service or email:

Team Coaching International
1001 Bridgeway #701
Sausalito, CA 94965

Oral notifications, voicemail, or no-show of courses are insufficient means of cancellation(unless expressly allowed by law). The only acceptable means of communication for cancellation is by email or written notice.

In rare cases, TCI may cancel/reschedule courses at our discretion. TCI will not be responsible for costs that may be incurred by students as a result of discretionary cancellations or for courses that are rescheduled.

Right of Refusal

TCI reserves the right to refuse student participation in courses or programs. At TCI’s sole discretion, reserves the right to remove a student from courses or programs who negatively impact other students or the learning environment. In these instances, no refund, whole or in part, will be issued.

Intellectual Property

TCI students may use materials presented during courses or programs, including materials on TCI’s University and within the context of their coursework while performing team coaching services and while using TCI’s diagnostic tools and methodology.

In these cases, TCI’s material must be represented in its original form and reflect it as copyrighted material. Any TCI materials used by students in their team coaching engagements must present TCI proprietary intellectual property as material not to be re-used or re-produced without TCI’s written approval. No other licenses or permission for use or publication is allowed or inferred by this agreement.


Team Coaching International (TCI) is recognized for the quality of our program, methodology, and diagnostic tools. Our facilitators are expert in their field and certified in the TCI training, methodology, and diagnostics.

Since 2006, TCI has been designing and delivering impactful coursework, TCI’s students and community have come to and continue to expect the highest standards associated with the Team Coaching International programs, products, and brand.

TCI has developed these guidelines with respect to the use of our proprietary intellectual property. Team Coaching International™ (TCI) intellectual property includes but is not limited to:

  • Team Coaching International™ brand.
  • Team Diagnostic™ suite of products
  • All copyrighted documents, videos, presentations, books, manuals, course timelines, exercises, etc.
  • Team Coaching International™ methodology, trade secrets, training, and material delivery, etc. (specific skills, principles, techniques, and exercises presented in coursework).

Team Coaching International™ reserves all legal rights relating to all TCI content, training, methodology, and Team Diagnostic™ products.

Any individual or entities that have not purchased, participated in training, or otherwise obtained written permission from TCI’s officers are forbidden to use TCI’s intellectual property in any way.
Regarding Teams Unleashed, a Team Coaching International™ book: using the book as a teaching tool in a group setting requires the individual to be an authorized, trained facilitator of TCI’s methodology and Team Diagnostic™ suite of products.

When you are trained to use TCI’s diagnostic tools and methodology, you may only teach about the content from the point of view of your opinion on the subject and may not represent that you have permission to train students to use the Team Coaching International™.

Any courses taught using the Teams Unleashed book cannot be branded as a Team Coaching International™ course and participants of the course shall not be considered trained in the Team Coaching International™ methodology and Team Diagnostic™ products or as a Certified Team Performance Coach™(CTPC™).

Prior TCI students and those currently enrolled may use Team Coaching International™ branded materials in unpublished client presentations, provided they use it in the whole, unaltered format and credit TCI with the following annotation:

©Copyright of Team Coaching International™ (TCI). No reproduction, in any form, printed or electronic, is permitted without prior permission from TCI.

Those who refer to Team Coaching International™, whether methodology, model, or product, within a training or on social media must us the copyright annotation stated above. All references during training or on social media, must clearly state that you are Not posting as an authorized TCI representative or Group. Any reference to a TCI model, methodology, or product must be provided to TCI in advance. At our discretion and after review, TCI reserves the right to deny such use.

Team Coaching International™ may not be used in a training or in social media content or group titles; and must always be used with it ‘trademark’ symbol as follows: Team Coaching International™, Certified Team Performance Coach™, and Team Diagnostic™.

All TCI students and graduates have permission to use all principles and methodology learned within the TCI training to elevate their skills as a coach with proper citation to TCI as stated above.
Students are not permitted to instruct their clients in the Team Coaching International™ methodology or to become a Certified Team Performance Coach™. TCI does not authorize the use of the TCI timeline (the unique sequence design of exercises within the program and presented in coursework), classroom exercises, or to reproduce any portion of course manuals without the express written consent of TCI. All mentioned above are the sole intellectual property of TCI and any use without the express written consent of TCI will be considered a violation of TCI’s intellectual property rights.

All Certified Team Performance Coach™ graduates may identify themselves as a CTPC™ and are encouraged to use the CTPC™ badge (with an embedded link to in their marketing material, email signature, website, and LinkedIn profile. Graduates may not state they are official partners or affiliates of TCI, or that the TCI organization in any way endorses their business.


In addition to all the rights of Graduates, current TCI Faculty members, who are in good standing, may identify themselves in all marketing as TCI Faculty, provided the registration mark is used and the usage is embedded with a weblink to their current faculty member biographical listing on Any such usage must be immediately taken down/removed once an individual is no longer an active faculty member as determined by TCI. Current TCI Faculty may also use the Timeline, the classroom exercises, and the course manuals while representing TCI and conduction an approved TCI course. If a Faculty member wishes to deliver a TCI course within an organization, they must contact AND sign a referral ‘Memorandum of Understanding’ (MOU) Agreement as part of the Faculty Partnering Program. If a Faculty member is using TCI’s Intellectual Property when delivering to the Faculty member’s client without official approval from TCI, they are out of compliance with this policy.

Examples of Intellectual Property

This list of Intellectual Property is intended to provide several common examples to aid in your adherence to TCI’s Intellectual Property Guidelines but is not a limit on the Intellectual Property Rights or Properties that TCI owns or controls.


All Team Coaching International™ books, marketing material, and Team Diagnostic™ assessment tools, models, and methodology.

  • Team Diagnostic Assessment™ (TDA™)
  • Team Leader View™ (TLV™)
  • Team 360™
  • Organizational View™
  • All Timelines, manuals, Teams Unleashed and CoActive books written or co-written by Phillip Sandahl
  • Any other current or future Team Coaching International™ programs or products