TCI’s Industry-Leading Methodology Catapults Teams to Peak Performance
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We set a baseline. Using our proven diagnostic tools, we reveal the team's strengths and challenges. This research-based approach focuses on 14 measures of team competency. In order to know where to invest valuable time and money in team performance, it makes sense to start with a clear picture of what’s working and what’s not. Our diagnostic reveals this clearly and concisely. This measurement accelerates improved team performance.
We create an action plan that includes two parallel outcomes:
- Measurable improvement in team competencies. This team works better together and takes what they learn into every other team they are on.
- Measurable positive impact on business metrics for this team. This work is only justified by real business results.
We deliver world-class team coaching, consulting, skills training and accountability to help you:
- Deliver improved results
- Accelerate change
- Create effective, responsive team culture
- Increase production, control cost
- Improve work habits, collaboration and ethics
- Raise the bar on team performance and team accountability
With a follow-up assessment and comprehensive comparison report the team has a clear picture of where they started and where they have improved. The conversation leads naturally to … “Where do we go next?”
This is an approach focused entirely on assessing and improving total team performance, rather than on assessing individual personalities, styles and preferences or team leadership capabilities.
Team Performance Indicators™
TCI’s team performance methodology is built on a research-based platform of 14 Team Performance Indicators™ (TPIs). Assessment scores in these key areas clearly, and quickly reveal where to invest time and money to improve team performance. Team coaching sessions become a learning and development environment to improve in these key areas.
We measure what matters to teams in language that teams already use when they look at, “How are we doing?” They talk about:
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There is a strong sense of team leadership. This includes but is more than the role of the team leader. Team members contribute as the need for their leadership arises. The team leader or sponsor’s role is clear and supportive of the team as a whole.
The team conscientiously manages available resources and training to meet its objectives. The team itself is the primary resource. There is an atmosphere of “win-win” rather than “when one person wins, it means someone else loses.”
The team has clear and efficient decision-making processes, which have proven effective over time.
The team takes initiative. It is nimble and flexible in addressing opportunities, responding positively and creatively. Change is embraced and seen as vital to this team and to the larger organization.
There is clarity of roles and responsibilities with high follow through. When problems arise the team responds. Team members actively hold each other accountable for team results and team agreements.
The team has clear, challenging goals and strategies to achieve them. The team is highly resilient and not easily defeated in their goals.
The team values cooperation, cohesion and interdependence. There is a sense of common mission and purpose. Team would say, “We don’t always agree, but we stand together.”

These are the factors that are necessary in order for the team to get the job done. Scores in these 7 areas show the capacity of the team to be productive. These are the team’s Productivity Strengths.
Teams know that the culture of the team has the power to support extraordinary collaboration or to undermine it. They know the conditions necessary for effective work together. They talk about:
It is safe on this team to speak your mind, openly without fear of reprisal. We can count on each other; we are reliable. We tell the truth even if it is uncomfortable or unpopular.
There is an atmosphere of mutual respect and genuine positive regard. Contempt and hostility are not tolerated. We empower other members of the team to contribute their best.
There is a strong sense of belonging to the team. The team celebrates and acknowledges accomplishments. Empathy, playfulness and humor are present.
Clear and efficient communication is valued over less direct approaches such as politicizing, gossiping, or stonewalling.
Conflict is seen as providing an opportunity for discovery, growth and creativity. The team avoids criticizing, defensiveness and finger pointing. Giving and receiving feedback on this team is specific and timely.
The team values cooperation, cohesion and interdependence. There is a sense of common mission and purpose. Team would say, “We don’t always agree, but we stand together.”
The team has an inspiring shared vision. They are enthusiastic, forward looking and appreciative of each other. Even on the most challenging days this is a team that would say, “We can do it.”

These are the factors that support cooperation, collaboration and cohesion on the team. They form the culture of the team. They are the Positivity Strengths.
We provide best-practice insight, consulting and skills training based on these 14 Team Performance Indicators. We work with the team to create an action plan and then support the team to stay on track.