Figure of Eight – Team exercise

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    FIGURE OF EIGTH – Team exercise

    This exercise can be used to illustrate several Positivity aspects of a team, like respect, communication etc. It can also help highlight some Productivity strengths like decision making or team leadership.

    Originally, the purpose of the exercise is to uncover different roles and individual preferences of team members, and to highlight the interaction/communication style of the team. With regard to team roles, you normally distinguish between the following four roles:

    – DOERS (those who jump right into action)
    – FOLLOWERS (those who join and follow along)
    – SKEPTICS (those who question strategies etc.)
    – VISIONARIES (those who first visualize and plan before going into action)

    In this context, it is important to remember is that each role is important and that neither role is better or worse than the other roles.

    >>> During this exercise the facilitator should pay special attention to the following questions: Are there toxins around? Is every voice being heard? How do they make decisions? Is trial and error okay? How are they dealing with failure? Does the team value all comments/objections made by team members? …

    Optimal team size:
    6-12 people

    Materials needed:
    → A small, short rope for demonstration.
    → A long (approx. 8-10 meters) thicker rope.
    → Optional: 2 writing pads and 2 pens (only if there will be observers)

    Set-up and instructions:
    Using the small and short rope, the team coach/facilitator shows the team 2-3 times how to create a knot in the FIGURE OF EIGHT.

    Optional: The coach asks for two volunteers who will not take directly part in the exercise, just observe the proceedings of their team and make notes.

    The remaining team members are asked to spread out in the room, each holding on to the long rope with both hands. The main rule is that no one must let go of the rope – not even once. After making sure that everyone is evenly spread out, the coach/facilitator decides where on the rope the knot in the FIGURE OF EIGHT should be tied. It can be anywhere on the rope (in the middle or more on towards one side), but it has to be between two people (i.e. no team members must end up standing inside the knot).

    Have a good time revealing of the system to itself!
    It is a fun exercise and also a big challenge for many teams, so enjoy!!! ;)

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