TPIs: Communication, Constructive Interaction, Trust DESIGNED ALLIANCES

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    TPIs: Communication, Constructive Interaction, Trust

    (Adapted from Fire Inside Leadership and CRR Global, 2015.)

    • Designing an alliance is a process for creating conscious and intentional conditions for how we will interact and work together.
    • Designed alliances can be struck in 30 seconds or much longer depending on the circumstances and the stakes.
    • The most effective designs come from being curious, open, transparent and non-judging.
    • Alliances can be designed to guide a single interaction or an ongoing relationship.

    Inside the design process, participants may:
    o Clarify intentions and designed outcomes;
    o Clarify values – shared and not shared;
    o Identify what they need to feel safe;
    o Establish agreements;
    o Agree on what to do if they disagree;
    o Agree on how they will hold each other accountable.

    • During the design process leaders are listening to understand each other and really hear what is being said; withholding judgments and assumptions.
    • Leaders design continuously in relationship to create deep trust.


    1. What would make this interaction / relationship valuable?
    2. What are the outcomes we want from this meeting / relationship / interaction?
    3. What must exist in order for you (us) to feel safe enough to be completely honest, even when it is uncomfortable?
    4. How will we deal with conflict between us?
    5. What other ground rules do we need to set about decision making, confidentiality and other team behaviors (e.g., no secrets, side conversations, over talking, etc.)
    6. What do we need to agree to, to create the working relationship we want?
    7. What can we count on from each other?
    8. How are we going to hold each other accountable for honoring these agreements?
    9. Why is this important?

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