TPI Exercise – Values Diversity

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  • #17167

    Purpose: To explore what it means to value diversity.
    Materials: Flashcards and marker
    Time: 30 minutes


    1. Prepare multiple flashcards with the same 3 different statements that reflect diverse ideas, perspectives or approaches. Create your own statements that are relevant for your context. The same 3 statements will be used by different small groups. Examples of statements:
    a. The only way to deal with an issue is directly and assertively.
    b. I vote for candidates who are often unpopular.
    c. I think we coddle our clients too much.
    d. I’m only at this job for the money.
    e. I prefer to be around people who are like me.

    2. Break the team into triads.

    3. Provide each person in the triad with one of the three statements so that each person has a different statement. Each triad will have the same 3 statements.

    4. Provide the following instructions for the exercise:
    a. One person in the triad will read their statement.
    b. The other 2 triad members will listen and take a moment in silence to connect with your reaction after hearing the statement, particularly what emotion(s) surfaced, what happened in your body and what you wanted to say after hearing the statement.
    c. The triad will debrief by having the listeners share their reaction and what they wanted to say after hearing the statement as well as what this all meant for them around valuing diversity.
    d. Following the debrief, repeat the cycle of reading, listening and debriefing until all three statements have been debriefed.
    e. Triads will have 20 minutes to complete the 3 rounds. You will be informed when there is 10 minutes and 5 minutes remaining.

    5. After 20 minutes, bring everyone back into a large group and debrief the exercise for 10 minutes with voluntary sharing about:
    a. What did you take away from the triad experience regarding valuing diversity?
    b. What might you do differently to express that you value diversity?

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