Tips and questions about Communication on teams:
– What does Communication mean on this team? What is the benefit of it?
– What does clear and efficient team communication look like? Sound like? Feel like?
– What does unclear and inefficient team communication look like? Sound like? Feel like?
– The first step is discovery: what are the team agreements around communication? How does it work on this team? If it were ideal, what would change?
– What communication vehicles does this team use most often? How is that working for you? What could be even better?
– Give examples of indirect communication habits on teams. Where does this sideways stuff get started? Why is it valued on teams?
– Often forgotten: the other half of communicating, is listening. On a scale of 1 to 9 how good is this team at listening? What would raise that score?
– What Team Agreements would support Communication on the team?