The intent of this post is to share an idea on how one might design an engagement to incorporate other client objectives/needs along with the standard TCI engagement (where team development is a key component but part of a broader engagement). I am interested in your thoughts and how you might have structured your engagements.
I am currently working with a team within a client organization that is responsible for leading multiple strategic projects in the organization.
There is a need to both:
– Grow team cohesion of their “home team” vs. operating as a group of independent individual performers AND
– Grow individual leadership skills to help them better lead their respective project teams in the organization
Engagement Design:
– Standard TCI team development engagement (over six months; pre/post TDA)
– Exercise and assessment to identify specific desired LD training topics
– Identify topics for eight sessions that incorporate both team development areas (from the TDA) and desired LD topics. Examples might include: Constructive Interaction, Strategic Thinking, Influence, Decision Making etc.
– Include some individual accountability coaching
– Incorporate ways for individuals to receive feedback from organization on strengths/areas to improve (this is input into individual development plan/coaching)
Engagement status: In progress