Measure Organizational Strengths · Improve Culture and Performance
The output of an organization tells a surface story; but the underlying health of the organization is hidden. Today when organizations ask the question, “How are we doing?” they are looking beyond bottom line numbers. They want to know “where are we strong?” and “where can we get stronger?”
To perform at a high level in a sustainable way means being strong in the competencies that are required to perform the necessary functions, and, in a culture that supports and sustains individuals and collaboration.
Now there is a way to measure both. The Organization View™ provides measurement from the two essential dimensions: the health of the culture and the capability of the organization to be productive.
The Organization View™ diagnostic delivers a comprehensive picture of the state of the organization’s strengths drawn by the people who know best: the people who work here every day.
Assessing the Health
of the Organization

The Organization View™ is a diagnostic tool based on the same proven model as the Team Diagnostic™, used with thousands of teams worldwide since 2005.
The online survey takes about 20 minutes to complete. The diagnostic can be used with a division, a large department, an entire organization, or a representative sample of the organization. The final report can be segmented to show overall results as well as results from subsets of the diagnostic. For example you could compare the view of IT with finance, or manufacturing.
The Team Diagnostic™ model looks at two dimensions:
The model defines seven attributes in each of these two areas:
The Organization View™ is an ideal way for leadership of the organization to see where the organization is strong and healthy, and where high potential improvements can be leveraged.