2 Connecting Exercises: Object represents you or piece of music

Home Forums Ongoing Coaching of Team Performance Indicators – Share Your Ideas 2 Connecting Exercises: Object represents you or piece of music

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    TPIs: Building Team Camaraderie & Positivity

    Exercise 1: Request each team member to bring along an object that either represents who you are or is important to you.
    Material: Each member, including the coach (if you choose) and the team leader. Could be done in the workshop room, or over dinner, as long as not too noisy
    Time: 30-45mins depending on team size – min of 2 mins per person
    Environment: ideally face to face, but I am sure can be done virtually
    Context: Looking to build team connection, environment, relationship and sharing. This allows the team to see a different side to you over and about the version as work, if you so choose. There is no right or wrong object either. And if people have forgotten their item, then they can always describe what they had intended to bring along.
    Instructions: Ask for who wants to go first, and start you off. the have 2-5 mins to describe what they have brought and what it means to them and why they have brought it along today. Also they can share how they found the exercise of actually finding and choosing some thing.
    – if taking longer can break and let the second half of the team go after lunch for example.
    Debrief: Ask the team how this was for them, ensure everyone get to share in this around the table/room debrief session. Ask what surprised them and what they have learned about each other.

    Exercise 2:
    – The same exercise as above can be done, but asking the team individuals in advance to choose a piece of music that is important to them or represents them.
    Planning: Compile this into a play list on Spotify or Apple music.
    Bring along a blue tooth speaker to the session – play one piece of music, and then ask the person who chose it raise their hand and then share why they chose it.

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