Check-in Exercise – Values Diversity

Home Forums Ongoing Coaching of Team Performance Indicators – Share Your Ideas Check-in Exercise – Values Diversity

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  • #13759
    Obi James

    I worked with a HP team a couple of days ago, and wanted to kick off with an exercise that would stretch them a bit. They are a very high-performing team and the focus of our work was more on their relationship with Stakeholders.

    Given there was a lot of trust, camaraderie and other positivity factors already present in the system, I kicked off by asking them to introduce a marginalised aspect of themselves that no one in the room was yet to meet.

    They found out so much more about one another, and commented that “one must never assume that their job is done when it comes to getting to know others”.

    We invited their marginalised aspects of self to join various activities throughout the day resulting in even more creativity, challenge & fun!

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