Communication: Warm-up exercise at the start of a session

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  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Anonymous.
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    One thing I find fun, but also energizing at the start of an engagement is to get people out of their chairs right at the start of a first session and invite them to do the following:

    1. I offer each person 500,000,000 USD as a gift and ask the question “What would you do tomorrow if you had this resource”
    2. I then invite them to ask me the same question.
    3. I invite people to change partners often so that they can interact with as many people as possible.

    After 10 minutes we re-group and ask
    What did you observe?
    What could you do tomorrow even without the money?

    I also then lead into a discussion on levels of listening. When they start 99% people as the question to someone but don’t really listen, but are thinking in their own head as to what they would do. So level 1 listening


    I love this idea, Tim. I think I would listening specifically for those who would leave their jobs or stay, if they had that amount of money. I think I would lower the amount so that it would be more of a dilemma to leave or stay. I think the answers to this would be just as valuable as the listening. Love the questions about listening. May I use this?


    Hi – sure you can use it!!!! We steal with pride in Glocal :-)

    I deliberately go high with the amount to get them to really explore their values and what contribution they would make. If the amount was low they normally just buy a Porsche and then don’t really explore what is important to them

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