Constructive Interaction: Safety Ruler Exercise

Home Forums Ongoing Coaching of Team Performance Indicators – Share Your Ideas Constructive Interaction: Safety Ruler Exercise

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  • #15924
    Christine Quinn

    Often low trust and low constructive interaction go hand in hand. It takes time to help the team see what is currently present. Using ORSC principles of “revealing the system” unto itself, this simple exercise uses physicality to help the team see current state.
    This exercise can be used around a variety of topics. I recently used it with a team working on “playing politics”. It worked great!

    Take painter’s tape and create a human size ruler on the floor. (One long piece of tape and then ten short pieces. Write the numbers 1 -10 on the short pieces. Overall length depends on the size of the team.)
    Provide an overview of the exercise and share the topic you are working with. (i.e. Playing Politics)
    Ask the group to all stand near the Ruler. Then ask a serious of questions:
    Please move to the space on the ruler that reflects the following:
    1) How safe do you feel to speak up? (ability to be freely expressed on this topic?)
    1 – not at all to 10 – very safe
    ` Reminder: Judgement free zone –

    Once everyone is standing on the ruler ask the following:
    • Why are you standing where you are? What has you stand where you are?
    Ask – those 8 or above to share with the group. You don’t need everyone to respond.
    Ask those below a 7 ….same question.

    • Now what do you need in order to feel more expressed? This input can be added to the Team Agreements.

    • Follow up questions while the group is still standing on the ruler – Use whatever questions appear appropriate for the team. Sample questions:

    – What will you do if your toes are getting stepped on?
    – How will you create an environment for an edgy conversation?
    – How will you know if we are making nice? What do you want to do then? (If truth not being spoken.)
    Normalize the current behaviors…. Humans are unskillful….

    • End with the team members sharing how they will be accountable to the team to improve the team behaviors. You can ask them to share one thing they will each stand for and put their initials by it. (All post on a flip chart.)

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