Supercommunicators: How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection

Home Forums Favorite Books Supercommunicators: How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection

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  • #25614
    Daniella Fridl

    This is an excellent book based on a premise that to communicate with someone, we must connect with them. When we absorb what someone is saying, and they comprehend what we say, it’s because our brains have aligned. Whenever that connection happens, our brains and bodies become alike because we are neurally entrained.
    To become supercommunicators, we need to listen to what’s said and unsaid, ask the right questions, recognize and match others’ moods, and make our own feelings easy for others to perceive. There are three kinds of conversations that dominate most discussions. The three conversations – which correspond to practical decision-making conversations, emotional conversations, and conversations about identity – are best captured by three questions: What’s This Really About?, How Do we Feel? and Who are We? Each of these conversations, draws on a different type of mindset and mental processing. The three mindsets are the decision-making mindset, emotional mindset and social mindset. Miscommunication occurs when people are having different kinds of conversations. If you are speaking emotionally, while I’m talking practically, we are in essence, using different cognitive languages.

    I really appreciated this book because it increased my awareness about the importance of communication which is extremely relevant in team coaching. Ultimately, our effectiveness as a coach, in addition to being dependent on us mastering the competencies, is closely aligned with how effective we communicate and connect with teams we are coaching.

    Author: Charles Duhigg Title: Supercommunicators: How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection

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