Materials Flipchart paper and voting stickers (or use of online polling app)
Purpose: To bring team’s voice into the coaching session during key moments. Provides team coach with some additional intel that might not mirror the most vocal in the room. Supplements the team diagnostic report.
Suggested Use: Start or End of session or during a sticky issue or debated conversation. You might say — “As we go on break, let’s do a quick anonymous check-in on where you think we are at as a team. Please consider where you would rate the team right now and place the sticker on the flipchart.”
Format: On Flipchart have thermometer or odometer with a Low – Med – High (or whatever rating or scale that is appropriate). The scale can be related to a particular TPI or a general question such as measuring energy, confidence level around a decision/next steps, etc.
Tips: Be sure to facilitate a conversation around the collective team’s barometer. For example, what do you notice? Who is willing to share where they placed their voting sticker? What would you need to move to xxx? What surprises you? How does this inform where we go next?