"Team coaching is becoming an established discipline and needs practical guides to good practice from highly experienced practitioners, which is exactly what this book provides!"
―David Clutterbuck, author of Coaching the Team at Work
"The drive to deliver team performance is relentless. The tools to get there are few. With Teams Unleashed, Sandahl and Phillips have given us a clear, practical map for more productive team results and truly engaged team culture. It's an exceptional resource for those who work with or lead teams."
―Marshall Goldsmith is the New York Times #1 bestselling author of Triggers, Mojo, and What Got You Here Won't Get You There
Getting Started
As indicated in our book "Teams Unleashed" The following collection of team exercises provides experiential tools based on the TCI team-effectiveness model designed to be used by coaches and teams.
The goal of the toolkit exercises is to create a learning experience for the team that naturally leads to a team conversation to harvest the team’s insights about the topic, and more especially, how that topic applies to this team at this time.
In addition to a description of the exercise and instructions for facilitation, each exercise also includes sample questions the coach can use in the debrief with the team.