Ideas from "The Surprising Power of Liberating Structures"

Home Forums Ongoing Coaching of Team Performance Indicators – Share Your Ideas Ideas from "The Surprising Power of Liberating Structures"

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    John Rea

    I came across this book and the website (here) when researching. It contains 33 “microstructures” which are methodologies designed to promote engagement & trust. The version below could be used by a TCI coach focused on Proactivity.

    Title = 15% Solutions.

    Concept: Getting the team connected to a methodology that looks to unlock small changes from every member.

    Impact : It illustrates that empowerment is immediately within our grasp, gets away from a negative mindset by focus on “what I can do”. Promotes taking action. The shared experience generates trust.

    How To Use it:

    1. remind the Team of their Purpose statement and present formalized goals.
    2. ask the Team “What is Your 15% Opportunity ?” Where do you have the discretion to act to drive a positive change – without any injection of additional resources ?”
    3. Individually spend 5 mins working up a list of ideas
    4. Pair off : the offering-person shares 2 of their best choice ideas one at a time (eg 3-4 mins)
    5. The Listening-member acts as a consultant offering clarifying questions and constructively building. Deliberately linking back to the team goal (5 mins per person).
    6. Swap roles.
    7. The full group reassembles. Each person selects an idea that they heard & appreciated (from the other). Stating why they liked it and the impact it could have on the goal.
    8. The group acknowledges the idea.
    9. Each person makes a formal commitment to action.

    The person is “seen” & Appreciated. The person is Championed & Respected. Full engagement is called for. Proactivity is encouraged across the team. Trust is developed within the team.

    Obi James

    I use Liberating Structures a lot in my work as a Quality Improvement Team. They have excellent facilitating tools/models and it’s worth downloading their app or even getting their set of cards that have instructions/guidelines for their microstructures.

    Shahnaz Broucek

    Thanks for sharing this! I did training in Liberating Structures a couple of years ago and the related website is also great (andfree): I use 1-2-4-all for initial team agreements at the beginning of the first workshop. Also can imagine using TRIZ and WINFY from this resource. Glad to compare notes with you on this in the future!

    My best,
    Shahnaz Broucek

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