Positivity – Optimism


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  • #2731

    The team has an inspiring shared vision. They are enthusiastic, forward looking and appreciative of each other. Even on the most challenging days this is a team that would say, “We can do it.”

    Alexis Phillips

    Tips and questions about Optimism on teams:
    – What does Optimism mean on this team? What is the benefit of it?

    – In the broadest sense, how would the team like their environment to feel?

    – Ask team members, what are their beliefs about this team when they look to the future?

    – One a scale of 1-10 with hopelessness at a 1 and hope at a 9, where does this team land?
    – What would it be like if the dial were turned up a notch?
    – What would it look, feel, sound like at a 9?

    – How can you create a stronger sense of possibilities on teams? What needs to be in place?

    – How much time is spent talking about the past versus the present or future?

    – How and when does appreciation happen on this team? How could it happen even more?

    – What Team Agreements would support Optimism on the team?

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