Trust. Actions that inspire others to trust you

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    This is an exercise from McKinsey Centered Leadership Project.
    The exercise is attached, You can use it in teams to deepen the knowledge, choose the actions and reflect on these.

    If neede, share some knowledge first:

    Knowledge: trust
    Four board elements combine to create trust, and these encompass all the things we do and say, i.e. our actions. Not our feelings or out intentions, but only our actions. People trust you only because of what you do. That’s all they know about you. They do not know about your feelings, your sincerity, or your good intentions. They only know what you do.

    Trust takes time to build. Some elements come naturally, others we need to develop and strengthen. And it is subtle – we need to understand what trust means to others as well as ourselves. We draw on and deepen our core strengths, but we can also take time to analyze our behavior to discover what is and what is not working for us. We find new behaviors that serve us – and others – better, then practise them until we are so accustomed to our new skill that when we need it, we instinctively recreate it. To say a thing “comes naturally” means we have learned what works and practised it enough so it feels familiar. We can build trust though practice.

    The four elements of trust:

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