The Team Diagnostic™ Assessment Psychometric Analysis Summary

By Phillip Sandahl


Team Coaching International conducted Internal Consistency Reliability and Construct Validity analyses.

This psychometric analysis was performed by researchers from the University of Minnesota. The test of Internal Consistency Reliability for each of the 14 Team Performance Indicators™ (TPIs) of the Team Diagnostic™ assessment assesses the degree to which the items pertaining to each TPI are measuring that same TPI.

The Internal Consistency Reliability (or Cronbach’s alpha) results demonstrated good levels of reliability overall. On average, scales in both the positivity and productivity domains demonstrated reliabilities of .80 or above (greater than the recommended .70 threshold.)

In short, all assessment questions pertaining to a particular TPI are reliably measuring the same thing.

Additionally, providing evidence of the validity of the Team Diagnostic™ assessment, we conducted a psychometric assessment of the fit of the data to the hypothesized theoretical structure on which instrument development was based using a confirmatory factor analysis called Amos 7.0 (Arbuckle, 2006).

Several competing models based on variants of the theoretical structure were compared to identify the model or models best fitting the current data.

The results show the structure that best fit the data was an inter-related set of 14 areas of team strengths.

This is congruent with the underlying theoretical model used to create the measurement tool. This suggests that while teams may demonstrate relative strengths and weaknesses across these fourteen TPIs, teams that tend to perform well on one TPI, on average, also tend to perform well on the other TPIs. In other words, the two dimensions of Productivity and Positivity and the 14 TPIs are interconnected.

And while there is a substantial positive correlation among the 14 TPIs, the correlations are not so high as to suggest that the individual TPIs are redundant or that there are no potential utility or differential relationships with other variables for the 14 Team Performance Indicators™.

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